New Normal Merchandise for Perfect Protection
18 Jan 2021. By Redpod Gifts

The pandemic that attacks almost all countries in the world has increased the number of victims, but several countries have changed their status to New Normal. New Normal is a period of transition from a pandemic condition to a normal condition. This cannot guarantee that we are all free from Covid-19 so we need a New Normal Kit or things that you must have to reduce the spread of Covid-19. New Normal Kit is very important, almost all institutions need New Normal Merchandise to be protected from viruses. This New Normal Merchandise consists of various items.
A pouch consisting of a Face Mask Pouch, Tissue Pouch, and Face Shield Pouch will help you to store all the New Normal Merchandise you need and have to carry it every day wherever you go. The size that is not too big and can be stored anywhere makes the Pouch a New Normal Kit that will be easy to carry anywhere. A dirty place will make you feel confused about putting masks, tissues, and face shields so you need a clean pouch that is guaranteed to be clean. To be used as merchandise, you can make all pouches custom so you are free to be creative.
Hand Sanitizer Holder
Hand Sanitizer is mandatory ammunition when traveling out, but because of its small size and often tucked into a bag, you need a Hand Sanitizer Holder. The Hand Sanitize Holder makes it easy to use and find as it is attached or hangs on the front of the bag. You can get Hand Sanitizer with three different materials, namely rubber, plastic, and leather. The three types of materials have their advantages and are very suitable to be used as merchandise amid a pandemic like today.
New Normal allows you to get out of the house and do your usual work, but when eating and drinking it is highly recommended that you use your cutlery. Cutlery from readpodgift provides all types of cutlery such as spoons, forks, straws, and chopsticks of the highest quality so that the cutlery can last a very long time. You can also order the color and model of cutlery according to your company's needs. Available in a beautiful box, making this cutlery suitable for merchandise to support the new normal around us.
Charlie Tumblers
Having your tumblers is one way to make a new normal success with New Normal Merchandise. One of the mainstay tumblers is Charlie Tumblers. Charlie Tumblers are sleek but still fit a lot in them. Keeping hot water from losing its temperature and cool water that stays cool are reasons why Charlie tumblers are so popular. The material used is stainless as the best material for tumblers. The colors that can be obtained also consist of 3 colors, namely black, white, and brown, making Charlie Tumblers make all drinks feel authentic.
Multifunction Container
A multifunctional Container is a container or a place to put food of various sizes. Made from materials that are durable and not easily damaged is the reason why multifunction containers are used as souvenirs. To be branded yourself, you can ask us to screen a logo or company name. The medium size and lightweight dimensions make the Multifunction Container one of the New Normal Merchandise that you must have.
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