Types of Promotional Bags Based on Materials and Productions
13 Nov 2019. By Redpod Gifts

In term of products or company promotions, there are actually so many ways or strategies to apply. One of them is by giving free merchandises for the customers. Those merchandises can be in the form of T-shirt, cap, umbrella, and bag.
Out from those products mentioned, it seems that many companies and business just love to give the bags. Undeniably, this type of merchandises indeed gives some benefits while the other may not. Meanwhile, they are relatively cheap and easy to make. If you are one of those businessmen who are interested in using bags as merchandises, you should learn about the type and materials of the bags themselves along with the steps of possible productions. What are they?
Spunbond Bags
Spundbond is a type of clothing material with long fibers. Those fibers are processed using some chemical substances and solvent paint that have been heated before. This type of bag is quite strong although there are still many other stronger materials for sure. Interestingly, this material can be formed into beautiful bags although the price is relatively cheap. More than that, there are various colors available in the market that you can choose.
There are some types of bags that are good to be made from the spunbond material. They are a tote bag, shopping bag, clutch, and simple wallet. For tote bag and shopping bag, the spunbond used must be the thicker and stronger one to enable the bag to carry much stuff at once.
Calico Bags
Many companies tend to use these materials for their promotional bags. Compared to spunbond, this one is indeed much cheaper. Sure, the quality is lower also along with the fibers that tend to be coarser. If you want to save the production budgets more, calico bags are quite recommended.
However, it is with some notes; choose a high-quality calico as the main materials and design it more attractively to cover up the coarse fiber. This way, your calico bag may look more quality although the price is actually still cheap.
Canvas Bag
Canvas material is a recommendation if you prefer a kind of bags with a simple and vintage look. The color options are not really various indeed, commonly, they are around white, black, and light brown. Besides, another lack is that canvas bag is quite common to see around. So, you need to think more so that the design is different from others.
But aside from all those lacks, the material is qualified enough actually; it is strong, durable, and easier to be formed into many types of bag. Besides, although some kinds of canvas are quite thin, the fiber is still strong and durable for many years.
Leather Bag
It is not bad to give leather bags for customers if your brand brings out a classy and luxury image. Basically, it simply improves the image of your company more. Make sure to fit this expensive material with a simple but stunning design. You should not give the bags to all customers but only them the loyal ones
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